Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)
  • Almanach der Psychoanalyse – – ZPAPAED (invention)
  • Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística – 2007-2023 – ACSPYC
  • Chinese International Journal of Psychoanalysis (this is provisional and will be changed to Chinese characters) – –
  • Clio’s Psyche: Understanding the “Why” of Culture, Current Events, History, and Society – 1080-2622 –
  • DIVISION/Review: a quarterly psychonalytic forum – 2166-3653 – D/R
  • Enzymes – 1867-3317 – Enzymes
  • Ex Qm r ln R – –
  • Fmfv G ikge – –
  • Ghvpfg pwuxlj – –
  • Imago – – Imago
  • International Journal of Controversial Discussions – Not Applicable – IJCD
  • International Journal of Psychoanalysis en Español – 2057-410X – IJP-E
  • Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse – – IZPA
  • Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschung – – I invent: JPAPPF
  • Jbhv rh Jf – –
  • Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research» – 2658-5561 –
  • Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society – 1088-0763 – JPCS
  • Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society – 1088-0763 – JPCS
  • Journal of Psychological Therapies – 2632-2099 – JPT
  • KLEOS Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology – 2468-1555 – Kleos
  • Ku Qa – –
  • Language and Psychoanalysis – ISSN 2049-324X – LandP
  • Language and Psychoanalysis – 2049-324X – LANDP
  • Lcso j – –
  • Lnkvd – –
  • Lntsaik – –
  • Lssemnwlg dk – –
  • Luzifer-Amor. Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse – 0933-3347 print 2191 – LA
  • Metapsychologica – rivista di psicanalisi freudiana – 27046745 – MRPF
  • Metapsychologica – Rivista di Psicanalisi Freudiana – 2704-6745 – Mtpsy
  • Oedipus Annual – 1791-8472 – OedAnn
  • Pakistan Business Review – 2521-005X – PBR
  • Ppgupir – –
  • Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane – 0394­-2864 – PSU
  • Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica – 1721-0135 –
  • Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) – – PY
  • Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) – – PY
  • Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) – See notes – PY
  • Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) – – PY
  • Psikanaliz Yazıları (Psychoanalytic Writings) – See notes – PY
  • Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China – 2632-0134 –
  • Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society – 1088-0763 – PCS
  • Psychoanalytic Books (and its prior version, Review of Psychoanalytic Books) – – BOOKS
  • Psychoanalytische Bewegung – – PSABEW
  • Psychodynamic Practice: Individuals, Groups and Organisations – 1475-3626 –
  • Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanalisis – – RUP
  • Revue française de psychanalyse – 0035-2942 – RFP
  • Revue psychoanalytická psychoterapie – 1212-7280 –
  • Ricerca Psicoanalitica. Rivista della Relazione in Psicoanalisi – Journal of the Relationship in Psychoanalysis – 1827-4625 – RP
  • Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies – 2559-1649 – RJPS
  • Scientific Journal of Medical Research – 2520-5234 – SJMR
  • Tgdxyjp – –
  • The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy – 2632-0118 – IJFP
  • Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse – 1382 516X – TvPa
  • Tribune psychanalytique – – TP
  • Tzqcas afdah – –
  • Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Journal – – UPJ
  • Wi kh – –
  • Wxtycw j – –
  • Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Pädagogik – – ZPAPAED (invention)
  • Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse – – ZBPA
  • Zm f fw rn – –
  • Вестник московского психоаналитического общества Bulletin of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society – Bulletin has ISNB – ВМПО
  • Вестник московского психоаналитического общества Bulletin of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society – Bulletin has ISNB – ВМПО